Canadian. Falling in love with writing for real this time. It's nice.

Age 38, Male

Digital Strategist

Dalhousie University

Toronto, Ontario

Joined on 3/27/00

Exp Points:
12,609 / 12,830
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7.56 votes
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d


Impressive...in a sort of...kinda...well ok I couldnt do it.
Kudos for it all then :)

Thank you, I think?


I've got a list for the first year or so of my BBS time of every topic I made because pieoncar back in the day whipped up a script to find every topic each poster had ever made.

I dunno, I don't tend to make topics and go months at a time without making any. I wouldn't be surprised if after my first year or so I was making less than 20 per year, but I'm not really sure. Something to consider another day.

Screw the scripts! Manual drudgery!

It's interesting to notice how I got in on every series of 10,000 topics save for about 8 instances. I could whip up a list for you but hell, it's not exactly super fun and it's not like you couldn't do the same. Come to Montreal instead of being a cop-out and we'll talk.

... because it would kinda awkward to sit in silence.

Fascinating- I guess that being so organized helped you become a mod.

If only I could apply it to more aspects of life.

Though maybe that's not a good idea.

Oh, I'm coming to Montreal all right. I don't know how I'm going to sleep or where, but it's happening.


You actually spent the time to write it all out?

It was mostly a copy-paste venture, but yes.

I remember a thread in the Wi/Ht where someone had made a script that pulled up all the topics someone had ever made, and I was one of the first people to request, I still have an email listing all (199) of them made before 3/10/05 (that's when the last entry he gave me was at least)... then liljim shut him down for needlessly barraging the servers with requests and whatnots. But that list is good fun. Now that I'm a mod, I might go through the other three years of my time here (lol :x)

Erk, 21K posts took enough time. But it's doable. Depends on if you really want to have the list or not. Sometimes there are old topics that are more embarrassing then others. =)

little to much time on your hands there eh zerok?

Mmm, not really. I suppose I could have used the time more productively but then I'd just have more time later.

Damn, man. Your topics are pretty good, I must say. But I'm sure you left out a few bad ones. It's okay, your secret's safe with me.
And nice job.

They're all there. Go check. Or browse through some early ones. There a few bad ones at the start.

Slayer3751 waz here

Goddamn it, I can never scrub this shit off.

Ya know, every question i ask you that you don't respond to is sorda like you giving me permission, because you didn't say "no".

Well that's a silly philosophy. I'd just assume that the person never got the chance to see the question for whatever reason.

But because of this email full of old topics, I've only got 21k posts to sift through :) Only 727 pages! :o

Well I wish you smooth sailing and bittersweet nostalgic experiences, cap'n.

WWwuuch - That's pretty nice! I admire how you were bothered to write this all!

Good lord, you're the most organized person I know. No wonder you're such a good mod.

My response is essentially the one I gave to christmasraptor.

wow you must've been bored by the end of that :O

It was done in chunks, so not really.

p0pZ is a suck up but is right!

So since you agree with him then you're a suck up by proxy?

Those 5,000,000 kittens would easily beat the velociraptor. Velociraptors were only about the size of a turkey. Even though the kittens would probably co-operate very poorly, they'd still know how to defend themselves. The velociraptor would probably bleed to death from the scratch wounds only after 15-20 kittens, maybe sooner.

Well I was thinking of the Jurassic Park type raptors, to be honest.


<b><a href="mailto:ifyoucanseethis@ivefucke dup.lol"></a></b>

lol lol lol lol

How do you people get ideas for good topics. I think I've posted about 4 topics in total, which were all decent at best... and I made them in 06, when I was new and hadn't grown allergic to spam yet.


They're not ALL good ideas for topics... there was a lot more leniency back in '04 and '05, remember. But usually when I make a topic I've either invested a lot of thought into it or the idea is something I'm fairly sure is novel and not heavily discussed on the BBS.

Or I'm inebriated.


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