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Death Cab for Cutie

Posted by Zerok - March 7th, 2009

Alright, pretend you have a lot of disposable income.

How much would you pay for a ticket that gets you into an exclusive Death Cab concert? I'm talking a 150 person guest list, in a private showing area (and it's playing a block from where you live, or is at least in your city).

Update: They've arrived! And we are taking friends, and they get to go for free because we're just so charitable. Here's a picture of two of the tickets: I'll post pictures of the actual concert somewhere.

Death Cab for Cutie


Can I have a ticket?

Maybe if you give me some of this money stuff I've heard so much about...

$10. But that's only because I'm not interested in them at all. It'd depend on the level of fantitude, but I could see someone paying at least $100 for it.

Well, replace DCfC with your... 4th favourite band ever. Now what say you?

make it a Rise Against ticket and you MAY get my money

Hold on I'll find a wizard.

They're pretty awesome. /me pretends I have a lot of disposable income...

50 bucks? I know the whole exclusivity thing is cool and all, but I actually think I'd find that it's more fun to see them in concert with legions of excited fans around. The atmosphere is, after all, contagious. The larger the crowd of excitement, the larger the effect on your enjoyment.

The mob mentality is certainly a factor in the enjoyment, I agree. But it's not the only one!

I've been to several big concerts but I've never been to such an exclusive gig with a BIG band. The VIP feeling amps up the anticipation. Whether or not that spills into the actual show, I've yet to see. Since I quite enjoy DCfC, I don't think a lack of a deafening crowd will take that much away from my experience.

The fight for a front row position will likely be fierce (and unfun) though. Thank goodness this isn't a mosh-pit inspiring band.

If you give them to friends you avoid having to get them gifts at xmas time. Of course thats more of a long run money-saver, but still.

I'm too poor to get my friends Christmas gifts as it is. ^__^


That's more or lesst my estimated worth, to a DCfC fan. =)

If you are a DCFC fan and its that intimate of a performance.... even if you just enjoyed their music on the radio... I would say about $135-$175. Very rarely do you get to see a pretty decent band at that kind of performance.


The tickets haven't arrived yet... the nice man on the phone said he'd FedEx us the tickets...

... !

It's not until April though. Maybe they're holding off so that people don't start selling them or something.


Maybe for some semi-famous local band.

That band always reminded me of going up to Northern Vermont for some reason.

Maybe 100-200, depending on how long the concert is and if they get the possibility of meeting the band afterward. If there's any backstage shit, could probably push 300 if you find a big fan.

There was no mention of backstage stuff - I've seen the backstage of the venue they're playing at: it isn't much, heh. I suppose there's potential for some personal interaction, but I wouldn't guarantee it if I were selling the ticket to a friend (to a stranger on the street though...)

I expected you to be bashing them.
I actually like them, but their music gets old. For instance, I fucking hate "No Sunlight", "Bixby Canyon Bridge", "I Will Possess Your Heart", and "Cath.." now, but I used to love those songs (Except for "Cath...". That song bothered me).
I'm actually bored of them as of now...
Probably $200, though. Just 'cause I think they have some old songs doesn't mean I'm going to pass up a Once-In-A-Lifetime opportunity.

And, unlike many people, I actually still happen to have $200....
*Checks pockets*

Well, Narrow Stairs is fairly "new" to me, so I haven't worn out any of the songs yet. I'm not a hardcore fan - like, I don't have all their CDs or anything, but they're my girlfriend's favourite band and I do like them quite a bit.

Looks like I could easily net a hundred for them though (each). There are a lot of people on campus who can't get tickets and are totally freaking out about it, so maybe I can play on the significant demand factor.


I'd buy your drinks for the whole night. And 50 for a ticket

Hahaha, not a bad idea!

We ended up picking some friends, so we're not going to turn a profit. But it was nice to contemplate the idea.

I personally wouldn't pay very much at all. Keep in mind most of their fans are college students whom don't have deep pockets. I barely decided to pay $35 per ticket to see them in May, and only because there is a date involved.

I'd say start around $60 per ticket obo, based on feedback you can raise prices accordingly. If feedback is low, drop it by about 10 bucks. That is unless face value is higher then $60 (which I doubt). If that is the case however, start at face value.

Well there have been exchanges in the $300+ range (for a pair) on local buy 'n' sell sites, like kijiji.

It's all moot now though, since we're taking some friends.

You're a good friend man! Hope you all enjoy the concert.

Thanks, we shall!

I see multiple tickets. You should take me.

All spots are taken, TOO SLOW.

I <3 DCFC.

And congrats on winning the Writing Contest.

They are pretty sweet.

And thank you, congrats on placing second! :o

Turn it into a Rush ticket and I'll pay $1,000+

Well I'm a bit rusty on my transformation magic but I'll give it a go and hopefully I don't shit myself like last ti'll get back to you.

Well go have fun. :p


Have fun! ^_^

I shall, I promise.

What's a "Death Cap for Cutie"?


An indie soft rock band?

As for the literal meaning, your guess is as good as mine. I'm not a hardcore enough fan to have researched it.

how much did you pay?

The cost of two standard text messages.

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