Canadian. Falling in love with writing for real this time. It's nice.

Age 38, Male

Digital Strategist

Dalhousie University

Toronto, Ontario

Joined on 3/27/00

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The Summer Blog

Posted by Zerok - May 29th, 2009

Hey Newgrounds. No particular topic herein, but rather a spattering thereof. Don't you love compound words that makes stuff sound like legalese?


First on the agenda: my DR blog. I said I'd make a big blog but then I put it off and now it's too late to recall everything with clarity and appropriate vividness. Sorry, just trust it was awesome and had beaches and adventures and boobs.

Second: Check out mine and Lauren's Geocaching Crew. It's not a super busy club because not many of you geocache, but I'm hoping that over this summer we can recruit some of ya.

Third: Financing my MBA. It has been a journey. Seems I'll be able to get a nice line of credit, though something got snagged along the way... namely: Canada's major credit bureau doesn't have my credit history. For you youngins that are reading this, that is definitely NOT good. You need credit to get money, especially if it's a lot of money. Thankfully, the other credit bureau in the country has my history. No idea why they both don't. Now I have to bridge some gaps and trudge through what I hope isn't too much of a bureaucratic clusterfuck.

EDIT: I ended up kicking the creditor to the curb and asking my current bank what they could give me. Answer? $70,000.


Fourth: I graduated! My first degree (BSc) was conferred on the 21st of May. Go me.

Fifth: I miss Lauren, because she's gone home (and to Peru) until late July. Luckily this summer's pretty busy for me so I don't spend my days facedown and making pathetic squeaking noises due to heartache. :X

Sixth: MWC9 (Monthly Writing Contest 2009): June. I'll be hosting/running that.

And here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 66557

I think that's it.

Now for a picture of some sort to attract those with short attention spans!

>>> My typical reaction when the paparazzi come and try to ask about my relations with Newgrounds :

The Summer Blog


*Appropriate response to blog information*

Please enjoy the remainder of your twenty-four hour span of time.

What happens in 24 hours?


Woo.... !


Damn paparazzis. You need to get you some hounds. Congrats on your degree!

Thank you!

Hahaha. Picture: quality.

There were more in the series but this was my favourite. I believe Facebook has been blessed* with the full roundup.


What is that hairy slit on your chest?

Could it be?


I don't know what's going on there. I checked, and it's not there now. Maybe I spilled something on me? Could be an alignment of hair?

i mades a new BBS post. plus, i think you're chest has a clit. so, if someone were to punch you (saying if you had one) would their fist like....make you feel......

Punch? More like, gentle caress. C'mon man, those things are sensitive.

*gentle caress* mmm ok, now what?

I break your wrist ninja style and get 500 XP.

see no meet ups on your list... an accident?

If being poor is accidental, then yes. I'll take your money if you're offering though.

Congrats on all that, man.

Happy for ya!

Thanks buddy. Now just gotta find the funds. It's been a bigger circus than I was hoping for. Might just drop the current creditor and see what else is out there.

You look very attractive. No homo.

Everyone says I have nice inner upper mouth. :3

Pshh the day that you miss me is the day I grow a third boob.

Yesss! More boobs!

I don't know if it's the lack of friends you have to hold the camera and take a picture FOR you, or just you face... but some reason, you are one ugly guy. Almost as if your head was just a floppy old dick and balls or something.

Haha, that doesn't even make sense. How does photo style due to 'lack of friends' cause someone to be ugly? If you're going to try and burn someone at least be coherent about it.

It looks like there's an ass crack on your chest. It's even got hair around it! You have no nipples, or neak and your obviously half fish.

That's a bit better, though the "half fish" is probably regarded as more of a compliment as "fish" typically refers to one's swimming ability. The nipple "jab" falls short because you can't actually judge that based on the photo. By "neak" I assume you mean "neck."

That picture made me faint.

I'm srs.

You're a lying Frenchman and you know it.

i think my tounge is bleeding

That geo-caching thing sounds cool, especially since I'll be going to a lot of places this summer. I'll see if I can do anything.

Congrats on the degree :D

For sure. Get on it! And thanks.

Arooo I need Jordy love! What happened to the care package you were supposed to send me!!

It got eaten by laziness and forgetfulness :(

you should get that 70,00o and send it to me a good friend.

Except I sort of owe it to someone else already...