So it's been about 7 weeks since I've even really logged on here for any length of time. Unfortunately the June MWC suffered because of this. I recognize that while I might not care all too much about the goings on of your particular lives, that the entrants did put effort and hard work into their roles as participants and having to wait a couple months (or more) for any real notice is a bit harsh.
So I'd like to apologize to all those who felt irked about the whole thing. I'm usually pretty good at sticking to commitments, even online NG ones.
For anyone interested beyond that point, I've been going on all pistons here with my MBA. It's not kidding when it says: "intensive." Thus far we've covered full courses in Economics, Accounting and Statistics in about 4 weeks. Now we're being wrung through the interview prep process and team building; on the 9th of September we have a day full of interviews that will likely decide which company we work for during the 8 month Corporate Residency in January.
Any free time I manage to find myself with I'm spending out with folks, decompressing and generally away from the computer (and thus NG).
I'm sure I'll be "back," I'm never really gone from this little place.
Cheers, and thanks for your patience.
See you around when you've finished grinding it out. GLHF.