Canadian. Falling in love with writing for real this time. It's nice.

Age 38, Male

Digital Strategist

Dalhousie University

Toronto, Ontario

Joined on 3/27/00

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12,609 / 12,830
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why did some people get banned for 30days on redesign day?

I dunno. I imagine they attempted to abuse the fresh system. I didn't dish out any, so I'm fairly useless in answering this question. ^__^

You're a mod? I just thought you liked to boss people around = /

For over a year now. =/

If I make an unintentionally stupid topic, and it gets locked, do I get banned?

Depends. If it was just foolish, then no, probably not. If you're unintentionally abusive, or highly offensive, maybe. If it does happen (ban) and you're sure it was unintentionally, civilly plead your case to the mod who banned you via PM or however. You'd be surprised how far a bit of levelheadedness can get you.

I'll answer that question for you Truth. The reason some people got banned for 30 days yesterday was because people were abusing that new news systems and they were putting it all over the front page.
-O yeah, Hi Zerok! :D


Hey Zerok, you've been a fine mod lately, and I just want you to congratulate for that.

Why thank ya good sir.

hOW does thiz modz wurk i dunno?


Is it common for users to get banned for posting in a stupid topic that gets locked/deleted?

Locked? Usually not. Normal deleted? No. If the topic is Destroyed though, it is possible for all users who posted to be banned, unless the mod in question prunes the topic before Destroying it.

I was wondering what a "destroyed" topic meant. I thought it just meant it was deleted.

The destroy option deletes the topic as well as banning the topic starter automatically for anywhere between 3 and 30 days. The mod has the option to also ban all those who posted in the topic automatically as well. You get the whole "mandatory ban, fuelling the flames" message when this happens to you, unless they've changed it in the redesign. Wade also made a topic about this when it was first implemented, you can search for 'DESTROY' (I think he named it something along those lines.

Hey look at me, im sucking up.

Poorly. Where's my grape bunches and gooshy compliments? =P

Pruned? I though it was nuked.

You're talking about the Destroyed topics? When I mentioned pruning, I mean that a mod removes "good" posts before nuking it, in order to save users he/she feels undeserving of a ban, from the ban.

Zeeerrrrrooookkkkkk..............How do I internets?????


With style and aplomb. ;)

Can Mods ban other Mods if they happen to be drunk on the BBS or whatever? Or the Admins can only ban Mods?

Only the admins can ban mods. =)

Sorry i gave all the gifts that i was going to give to you to ramagi.

What! *sigh* fine...

Do you want some meat donations on Kol, sir? ;)

Hey, go nuts. I still play it too, though in sparse intervals. It's a good little nugget of fun if I've got nothing else to do.

With the many cases of backseat modding I've seen, whenever I imagine someone backseating, I imagine them doing a good deed for the BBS, so why is it against the rules?

Backseat modding is more of people being pushy and declaring what should be locked/banned/deleted. People posting helpful links and such are encouraged. However, people posting unhelpful/wrong links might be tagged with a ban, depending on their attitude.

So could posting helpful links help someone to become a mod?

Well, like many things, if it's done in excess it can become tiresome. Being generally helpful around the forums and such certainly don't hurt your modship chances.

Mods and admins have a gold aura.

[censored] asking you a question [censored]

That's it. You're banned.

Awesome. You're the best mod ever.

Uh, thanks!

What is it like being a mod?

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