Canadian. Falling in love with writing for real this time. It's nice.

Age 38, Male

Digital Strategist

Dalhousie University

Toronto, Ontario

Joined on 3/27/00

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Zerok's News

Posted by Zerok - July 1st, 2009

Today some friends and I are going to a bat cave that I'd been to earlier in the yeah while geocaching. It's Canada Day today so we're bringing a BBQ and some beer. We hope to see the bats exit the cave on their nightly bug hunt... with luck I'll be able to share a video with everyone.

Then tomorrow (July 2) is the official beginning of my MBA course. A week of orientation followed by classes until January when I begin a work term.

A good way to say goodbye to my last free summer I suppose!

Posted by Zerok - June 12th, 2009

SprintT was talking to me on AIM and we got onto the subject of poetry. I was inspired to do some digging and find my old Xanga blog where I published some of my on the fly works. This one was one I reread and found myself particularly pleased about.

I called it:

The Ashes of the Mobius Strip

Cancer cures the ideas that look too far over the edge
When we enter this world we make an unspoken pledge
The mirror's edge collapses if you define definition
Or if you dare try to compose a suitable rendition.

Kerosene and black magic
Comedic values bathe in the tragic.

What's the point in thinking about where space ends?
Is it just as important as how much she spends?
Zoom back in; the focus is happily less dramatic
Zoom far out; you court the anti-climatic.

Gasoline and the great lines of oil
Sleep snugly in this mortal coil.

The key to comfort in worshiping the divine
Is to never attempt to find the end of the line
To trust that the line will always divide
And that nothing will creep over the other side.

Stocks and shoes and cars and love
No one questions the intents of a dove.

Though measuring our time through celestial rotation
Not one of those stars owes us an explanation
Invest your comfort in the solid ground below you
And set your limit to the sky and any shade of blue.

Dance brigades and festival days
Black and white come from several greys.

Compare stones to rocks and feelings to thoughts
And split decisions to forget-me-nots
Peel away from the heavenly paradox
And leave the timekeeping to the clocks.

The flow is perfect if you just go with it
You'll find that you're the only thing that's infinite.


What'cha think?

Posted by Zerok - May 29th, 2009

Hey Newgrounds. No particular topic herein, but rather a spattering thereof. Don't you love compound words that makes stuff sound like legalese?


First on the agenda: my DR blog. I said I'd make a big blog but then I put it off and now it's too late to recall everything with clarity and appropriate vividness. Sorry, just trust it was awesome and had beaches and adventures and boobs.

Second: Check out mine and Lauren's Geocaching Crew. It's not a super busy club because not many of you geocache, but I'm hoping that over this summer we can recruit some of ya.

Third: Financing my MBA. It has been a journey. Seems I'll be able to get a nice line of credit, though something got snagged along the way... namely: Canada's major credit bureau doesn't have my credit history. For you youngins that are reading this, that is definitely NOT good. You need credit to get money, especially if it's a lot of money. Thankfully, the other credit bureau in the country has my history. No idea why they both don't. Now I have to bridge some gaps and trudge through what I hope isn't too much of a bureaucratic clusterfuck.

EDIT: I ended up kicking the creditor to the curb and asking my current bank what they could give me. Answer? $70,000.


Fourth: I graduated! My first degree (BSc) was conferred on the 21st of May. Go me.

Fifth: I miss Lauren, because she's gone home (and to Peru) until late July. Luckily this summer's pretty busy for me so I don't spend my days facedown and making pathetic squeaking noises due to heartache. :X

Sixth: MWC9 (Monthly Writing Contest 2009): June. I'll be hosting/running that.

And here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 66557

I think that's it.

Now for a picture of some sort to attract those with short attention spans!

>>> My typical reaction when the paparazzi come and try to ask about my relations with Newgrounds :

The Summer Blog

Posted by Zerok - May 10th, 2009

Big ole blog detailing my adventures there soon to come!

In the meantime, enjoy this picture of our 5-star resort so you can be jealous.

The Dominican Republic.

Posted by Zerok - May 1st, 2009

Today I am 23 years old. Go me!

In other news, tomorrow my family leaves for the Dominican Republic. My cousin is getting married on Tuesday I believe, and we're all going for a week to enjoy an all inclusive resort and what have you. We'll be back on the 10th, and afterward I'll be able to start seriously working on the multiple NG projects I've got on the go. Looking forward to the vacation and the coming summer!


Posted by Zerok - April 21st, 2009

<-------------------- Oh yeah, hot stuff, watch out.

This was taken while Geocaching, a hobby I recommend and publicly endorse. My buddy and I hiked about 15k through the lovely Lake Echo / Salmon River trail system. It was utterly serene and a great, if tiring, experience.

In other news, Fyndir uploaded his narration of my Writing Contest story. Have a listen, and leave him a GODDAMNED REVIEW he NEEDS THEM.

Part 1: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /230979
Part 2: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /230982
Part 3: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /231067

I want to make a flash audiobook out of it; I thought it was an original idea until this incredible flash was released today. Now I don't think I can bring myself to release anything less than that quality... so any artists that want to volunteer are more than welcome to PM me.

Speaking of Flash, I have a bunch of mini projects on the go, including an original short and possibly a medals game! But they're all in the early stages of development, so stay tuned.

I'll finish this off with another shot from the hike, looking south over West Lake.

Sexy new picture.

Posted by Zerok - April 9th, 2009

Just got the confirmation email, I'm in!

This July I begin a 22-month Corporate Residency MBA program. For 8 of those months I shall be working with some sort of firm either in the city or somewhere... else. After 22 months the goal is to continue with the firm with a nice non-entry level position and manage mounds and mounds of debt. (I am accepting donations! *cough*)

The next step is convincing the government to invest in me. Woooo.

So yeah, I am happy! You should be too.

Update: Lauren just found an amazing basement apartment! Check this:

It's about 600 square feet, a one bedroom.
The property is located on major bus routes, bus stops are like a 3 second walk away.
It's a 2 minute walk to a BEACH on a small LAKE.
There's a washer and dryer on site, not coin op ones either.
The landlord is a younger fellow who seems very easy going and kind.
Big backyard and communal deck with a BBQ.
The rent includes all utilities including 'net and cable.
The kitchen has counters! Not a big deal normally, but the place she has now literally has no counters. You have to use this little wooden table.


My Edible Pink Castle Crasher Entry:


Posted by Zerok - April 2nd, 2009

Just got back from my grad school interview, the last step in the application process. In the next 2 weeks a significant crossroads in my life shall be navigated, the direction I take to be largely decided by the folks at the MBA office.

Nice to know I'll always have YOU Newgrounds!

Posted by Zerok - March 23rd, 2009

The other day she wont $100 from a scratch and win ticket.

Today, she wins another $40 (scratch and win).

At a pseudo-casino night thing she played roulette and kept picking the right numbers.

I'm thinking she should start buying major lotto tickets now... or is her luck spent?

(Her NG blog).

Posted by Zerok - March 7th, 2009

Alright, pretend you have a lot of disposable income.

How much would you pay for a ticket that gets you into an exclusive Death Cab concert? I'm talking a 150 person guest list, in a private showing area (and it's playing a block from where you live, or is at least in your city).

Update: They've arrived! And we are taking friends, and they get to go for free because we're just so charitable. Here's a picture of two of the tickets: I'll post pictures of the actual concert somewhere.

Death Cab for Cutie