Hey Newgrounds. No particular topic herein, but rather a spattering thereof. Don't you love compound words that makes stuff sound like legalese?
First on the agenda: my DR blog. I said I'd make a big blog but then I put it off and now it's too late to recall everything with clarity and appropriate vividness. Sorry, just trust it was awesome and had beaches and adventures and boobs.
Second: Check out mine and Lauren's Geocaching Crew. It's not a super busy club because not many of you geocache, but I'm hoping that over this summer we can recruit some of ya.
Third: Financing my MBA. It has been a journey. Seems I'll be able to get a nice line of credit, though something got snagged along the way... namely: Canada's major credit bureau doesn't have my credit history. For you youngins that are reading this, that is definitely NOT good. You need credit to get money, especially if it's a lot of money. Thankfully, the other credit bureau in the country has my history. No idea why they both don't. Now I have to bridge some gaps and trudge through what I hope isn't too much of a bureaucratic clusterfuck.
EDIT: I ended up kicking the creditor to the curb and asking my current bank what they could give me. Answer? $70,000.
Fourth: I graduated! My first degree (BSc) was conferred on the 21st of May. Go me.
Fifth: I miss Lauren, because she's gone home (and to Peru) until late July. Luckily this summer's pretty busy for me so I don't spend my days facedown and making pathetic squeaking noises due to heartache. :X
Sixth: MWC9 (Monthly Writing Contest 2009): June. I'll be hosting/running that.
And here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 66557
I think that's it.
Now for a picture of some sort to attract those with short attention spans!
>>> My typical reaction when the paparazzi come and try to ask about my relations with Newgrounds :